Are you watching interest rates to see a substantial dip before moving ahead with your planned refinance? When you see that dip, you may not be able to react quickly enough to lock in that good rate.
Lending guidelines have tightened significantly and underwriters are taking longer to pore through a borrowers documentation. You can't really lock in a rate until you know your credit score and documentation will get you that loan approval. There are fewer lenders remaining after the mergers and closures, and the remaining underwriters are backlogged. It can take a week or possibly three to get approval. In that time rates may have bounced back up and your refinance doesn't look so attractive anymore.
Get pre-approved today. Once you have that pre-approval, we can watch rates daily and be prepared to lock in a good rate when it comes along. All it takes is a little time to gather your documentation and $19 for the credit report.
It is a great idea to watch rates. It is absolutely essential to be pre-approved to lock in that good rate before it slips away. Contact me today.